Beacon MDWK (pronounced Beacon Midweek) is what we call our Wednesday evening adult groups. Groups meet at 6PM in various locations on our church campus. We have three semesters of Beacon MDWK--Spring (January-May), Summer (June-August), and Fall (August-December). Spring and Fall semesters are divided into two terms, with the group topics being the same in each.



Begins August 21 @ 6PM

New group options for adults (sign up below, in our church lobby, or contact the church office), along with kids and student activities!

Sharing Jesus Without Fear

What if talking about your faith felt as natural as discussing your family, your work, or your hobbies? The goal of this book study is simply to show what evangelism looks like when it’s not a sales pitch, but just a part of ordinary, everyday conversations.
Pick up your copy of the book in The Outlet.
Led by: Pastor GJ

Life of a Jesus Follower

Does Christianity ever seem like a burden to you? Why is something that came so naturally to Jesus so difficult for us? In this 8-session study, discover what it means to have true fellowship when we follow Jesus’ model of relationship.

Led by: Pastor Josh

A Better Way

In this series, we find that as we allow the Spirit to change our hearts, we'll begin choosing a better way to live.

Led by: Dr. Ron Gleaves